Wednesday, November 26, 2014

WRITING QUOTE - November 26, 2014

To be honest, the only thing I ever really wanted to be was a writer - since I read Charlotte's Web as a child.

- Louise Penny - 

I don't remember the specific book I read as a kid that inspired me to want to write, but I do know from my earliest memory writing was prominent in my life. I read books all the time. I wrote in my journal constantly--creating stories, penning poetry--then I would run to my parents and read what I had written.

The question of whether I'm any "good" at writing and whether anyone will pay to read my writing is irrelevant to my craft--more just icing on the cake. The real deal is that I write, because I need to write to feel centered in my life, to give these extra people in my head a place to go, and to find balance in my perceptions of life-happenings. 

I used to be shy of telling anyone that I was a writer. I always prefaced it with reasons why I shouldn't call myself a writer--maybe I just should have used another word to describe myself. But now I say it, an attempt to own who I am, and to know my being a writer is not dependent on whether someone likes it or pays to read it. Me being a writer is because it is a part of me and needs to be honored.

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