"We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is
only picking grapes or sorting the laundry."
only picking grapes or sorting the laundry."
- E. B. White -
A light breeze accompanies the warm sun today, and for a while I lounged in a child's rocking chair (it's surprisingly comfortable) on our front porch.
After a while I had to find shade under the bush, which isn't really a bush yet, since its leaves didn't arrive with this early spring. The bush is just branches, which makes snake-width shade that intertwines over the pavement.
At first I thought the spidery-limbed shade wouldn't be enough to protect me from the sun's heat, but it deemed worthy with help from the breeze.
I wrote in my journal, not feeling the writing bug today, but recognized that I was writing about not being able to write, which seemed kind of funny.
I believe it to be important to have something we do that brings joy, and now that I'm more willing these last fifteen almost sixteen years of living life differently, anything can be a joy if I choose to make it so.
My attitude has a direct impact on my perception of the day. If I change my attitude to include joy, compassion, humor, and light, then my day will encompass joy, compassion, humor, and light.
Though today, to do that, I needed to lay down and rest. I stayed up late last night watching a movie with my husband and was lacking sleep.
Now it's like the world started over with me, because it truly isn't the same, but nothing changed, not really, just my attitude, which alters my perception.
Now I'm writing, which brings me joy.
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