Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.
- John Keats -
The truth to becoming a writer is to write. And then to be known as a writer is to finish and submit, again and again.
I read an article where the author said something to this affect: there are a lot of great writers out there, but we never hear from them because they don't finish.
For me, finishing is not just the writing and revision process. Finishing is taking the action to put the piece out there, in the world, where people might read it. Finishing was the part I faltered on, primarily because of fear, judgment, and condemnation (my own).
It is important for me to follow the writing process all the way through, past the revision and polishing process, to querying and submitting, and then I know, for myself, that I've done it all, regardless of the outcome, regardless if another reads it or publishes it. I know I followed through for me.
I'm not hiding my writing because of what I think, and really in all actuality, making decisions for other people by telling myself they wouldn't like my writing is me taking away their dignity--they can make their own choices.
I need to only make my choice, which is to write and finish, and let them decide for themselves, whoever they may be, if they like what I've written or not.
Either way, whether they like it or not, or publish it, I'm not going to stop writing. Not this girl. No way.
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